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Oriente Medio y Norte de África

La CALP Network ofrece apoyo técnico, de coordinación y de políticas a las organizaciones que implementan, o están considerando implementar, programas de transferencias monetarias en la región. La oficina regional de CALP Network se encuentra en la sede de Oxfam International en Amman, Jordania.

3381 – 3400 of 3517 resultados

Financial Considerations in Cash Transfer Programming


OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Finance considerations and challenges in CTP • Delivery Mechanisms used in the Flood Response. • Oxfam’s Experience with Order Cheques – Challenges and Innovation. • Delivery Mechanism’s – the selection dilemma.


Water Access by Voucher


This document presents an overview of the use of vouchers to connect vulnerable people in Somalia with water during an emergency response. The document provides thorough and practical guidance to implementing a water voucher programme, covering all phases of the project cycle including: programme...


Somalia CBGWG Terms of Reference


The terms of reference of the Somalia Cash Based Response Working Group.


Beyond Banks: Cash Transfers 2.0 – Electronic payments technology in humanitarian assistance in Kenya


This article in Monday Developments Magazine (June 2011) looks at how the emergence of new technologies in the financial sector in Kenya – namely remote banking and mobile phone banking – have the potential to enable aid organisations to delivery money to unprecedented numbers of people, with record...


Unconditional cash transfer in Emergency Lessons learned from Plan in Vietnam


A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, BKK 16-17 February 2011. Topics covered include: Implementation process Findings after intervention Strengths and weaknesses Lessons learned Presenter: Nguyen Trong Ninh – Plan in Vietnam


Voucher Fairs: A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet version)

Guidelines and Tools

A Quick Delivery Guide to using voucher fairs to implement a market-based emergency response.  Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using voucher fairs.  It also provides practical implementation tips. This...


Ready or not? Emergency cash transfers at scale


Whilst there is significant experience of implementing cash transfer programmes (CTP) in emergencies this has seldom been at a scale comparable to in-kind responses. A number of critical gaps and blockages standing in the way of scaled up programming in the wake of a disaster have been identified...