DRAFT Publications in March
Webinar series: Linking CVA & Social Protection through feedback Mechanism, Nigeria Case Study
Webinar recording
This webinar was the second in a series of regional webinars designed to explore the linkages between humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and social protection in West and Central Africa. Following our initial regional webinar, “Exploring Linkages between Cash and Voucher Assistance and Social Protection in West and Central Africa,” the importance of linking humanitarian...
Lier les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale par le biais d’un mécanisme de retour d’information, étude de cas du Nigéria
Enregistrement webinaire
Ce webinaire était le deuxième d’une série de webinaires régionaux destinés à explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Suite à notre premier webinaire régional, “Explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre”, l’importance de lier...
Acta Reunión trimestral GTM de las Américas
6 de junio de 2024— Por Grupos de Trabajo de Transferencias Monetarias en las Américas.
Promoting the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Contribute to Nutrition Outcomes
Increase confidence in using CVA as a modality for achieving nutrition outcomes by raising awareness of existing guidance, resources and support available.
CVA Feasibility Assessment: Upper East and Upper West Regions, Ghana
Case Study
The worsening security situation in Burkina Faso has led to the influx of over 15,000 asylum seekers into the Upper East and Upper West regions of Ghana. This has placed significant pressure on the already limited resources of the host communities, particularly in the area hosting the settlements of Tarikom and Zini. Plan International Ghana conducted a feasibility assessment of a Cash and...
Examining Barriers to Family Planning Information, Products, and Services among Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Poland: Findings from mixed methods research to inform cash and voucher assistance programming
The study aimed to understand the FP needs of newly arriving Ukrainian refugee women in Poland and to assess the feasibility of using CVA to support access to FP services to inform the design, coordination, and funding of future CVA programming for SRH, specifically FP service provision, in the refugee response in Poland. In order to capture both the market and barriers to FP, the study was...
Cash for Protection in Specialised/Stand alone Protection Programming
This note aims to support protection and cash practitioners working in emergencies and humanitarian responses to better understand and consider the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as an assistance modality to contribute to a protection outcome within specialised protection programming. The note is part of a series, aiming to provide a joint understanding of what cash for protection...
Guidance on Provision of Cash and In-kind Support for Protection
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) has emerged as an increasingly utilized modality of assistance in humanitarian contexts, delivering greater choice, dignity, and rights realization to conflict and crisis. This type of assistance aims to reduce the risk of harm to households and groups by providing them with the support they need to protect themselves and their families. It also gives affected...
The CALP Network Annual Report 2023-24
While this Annual Report illustrates the work that we do at CALP – underlining the key issues that face those directly and indirectly involved in the delivery of humanitarian CVA to people in need around the world – it only reflects a small amount of everything that has happened during the year.
Comment les transferts monétaires sont-ils mis en œuvre dans les points de service humanitaire (PSH)?
Guides et outils
Les points de service humanitaire du Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge sont conçus pour créer un espace sûr et accueillant où les migrants peuvent recevoir des services à des points clés des itinéraires de migration. La boîte à outils des PSH comprend un module sur les transferts monétaires. Ce module contient les éléments clés auxquels les concepteurs de...
Paving the Way Towards At-Scale Cash Assistance in South Africa
Case Study
Climate change presents severe threats in South Africa where droughts, floods, storms, and fires are becoming more frequent and intense, exposing vulnerable populations to heightened risks. After storm surges caused severe flooding of the KwaZulu and Free State provinces in January and April 2024, the South African Red Cross Society has been among the first responders in assisting people...
Save the Children Cash Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees in Georgia
This video features Save the Children's innovative Cash and Voucher Assistance program, helping hundreds of refugees in Georgia.
Linking Forecast-based Financing and Social Protection: Why should national societies care?
This advocacy brief aims to provide National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with an overview of how linking Forecast-based Financing (FbF) and social protection (SP) approaches can help in early action and preparedness. It showcases examples from National Societies in Kenya, Malawi and the Philippines, which have been using SP to enhance their response capacity and contribute to...
¿Cómo se aplican los PTM en los Puntos de Servicio Humanitario?
Guía y herramientas
Los Puntos de Servicio Humanitario (PSH) del Movimiento de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja tienen el objetivo de crear un espacio seguro y acogedor para que los migrantes reciban servicios en puntos clave de las rutas migratorias. Como parte de sus herramientas en PSH, cuentan con un módulo sobre programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM). El módulo contiene los aspectos clave en los...
كيف يتم تنفيذ برنامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم في نقاط الخدمة الإنسانية؟
إرشادات وأدوات
تهدف نقاط الخدمة الإنسانية التابعة للحركة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر إلى توفير مساحة آمنة ومرحبة للمهاجرين لتلقي الخدمات في نقاط رئيسية على طرق الهجرة. وكجزء من مجموعة أدواتها الخاصة بنقاط الخدمة...
How is CVA operationalized at Humanitarian Service Points (HSP)?
Guidelines and Tools
The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Humanitarian Service Points (HSPs) are designed to create a safe and welcoming space for migrants to receive services at key points on migration routes. As part of their toolkit on HSP, there is a module on cash and voucher assistance. The module contains the key things programme designers, staff, and volunteers should think about, including...
Social Protection as an Enabler in Scaling up Forecast-based Financing using Impact-based Forecasting
This paper serves as an introductory brief for understanding the potential of social protection (SP) systems to be used as Forecast-based Financing (FbF) mechanisms in Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) countries. FbF helps to facilitate cash-based early actions prior to shocks using trigger models. Recently, there has been interest in evaluating the advantages of using...
Scaling Social Protection in Nepal: From hypotheses to reality
In August 2017, Nepal experienced heavy and continuous rainfall that led to extensive flooding in 35 of the country’s 77 districts, with 18 severely affected (NPC, 2017). The flood was active from 11–14 August and affected 14,060 families, resulting in 161 deaths, 17 injuries and 22 missing persons (Bhandari et al,. 2018; MoHA, 2019). In addition to the human impacts, the housing,...
Improving Food Security and Nutrition through Cash+ in Armenia: Combining cash transfers, productive assets and inputs distribution with agricultural and nutrition trainings for vulnerable rural households in Lori and Shirak region
Case Study
Armenia is an upper-middle-income country in the South Caucasus with a population of three million people. It is landlocked and a net importer of food. The country is vulnerable to natural hazards, including floods and drought, and external shocks, namely global food price fluctuations, which often have negative impacts on food security and nutrition. In 2015, 16 percent of households in...
Climate Risk Impacts on Employment Opportunities for Youth in Pakistan: A survey report
Pakistan faces a high level of disaster risk due to its exposure to a variety of natural and climate-related hazards including earthquakes, floods, landslides, storms and extreme temperatures (WBG & ADB, 2021). Research pertaining to the impact of these hazards on youths’ access and participation in the labour market is limited. This study aims to understand how climate-related risks and...