Market-Based Programming in Emergencies (e-learning course)
The course is organized into eight modules and explores essential concepts and skills that are necessary to understand markets and conduct market analysis in an emergency context. The course covers the following topics:
- Introduction to Market-Based Programming
- Scoping and Framing a Market Assessment
- Rapid Market Assessments
- Understanding Market Mapping
- Market Assessments for Recovery and Resilience
- Market Analysis in Crisis Contexts
- Designing a Market-Based Response
- Market Monitoring
The modules follow the traditional project cycle and allow participants to go through them step by step.
Please note that Module 1 – Introduction to Market-Based Programming is a compulsory introduction to the topic and comes with a separate certificate (as it is a pre-requisite for several other CALP courses). are optional, and you are free to only take the modules that are of interest to you. However, you must complete all modules and fill in the course evaluation to receive the certificate of completion for the whole course.
This course was developed in collaboration with Markets in Crises (MiC), and it is also available in Arabic, French, and Spanish.
Main image: Spreading awareness and addressing people’s fear and concerns is critical in the prevention of COVID-19. Teams from the Lao Red Cross spread the word all across Luang Prabang district as they meet people and discuss concerns in the Tha Hue Wet Market. ©Laos Red Cross/2020.