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Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff

The Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course is a 5-day training for programme staff responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash transfer programmes. This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all of the key skills required to design, implement and monitor cash transfer programmes. It is focused on a technical/programmatic perspective, and incorporates examples and case studies from multiple sectors.

27 January 2025


By the end of this course, you will be able to:
▪ Understand how CTP is guided by key policies, standards and guidelines
▪ Describe how CTP needs to be integrated into the roles of different teams throughout the project
▪ Explain what assessment information is needed to inform response analysis
▪ Use market information to inform modality choice
▪ Understand how CTP can contribute to response objectives
▪ Identify the information needed for monitoring and evaluation of CTP
▪ Identify how collaboration and coordination support quality CTP
Key learning outcomes
The course is made up of 6 topics. The learning outcomes for each topic are:
Topic 1: CTP Concepts, Standards and the Policy Environment
Topic 2: Assessment
▪ Apply the project cycle to assessing what humanitarian response efforts will be necessary
▪ Integrate CTP-relevant information into needs assessment data collection
▪ Explain how underlying and crisis-related vulnerabilities relate to identified needs
▪ Explain how CTP contributes to broader Market-Based Programming
▪ Summarise key terms relating to markets in humanitarian response
▪ Distinguish between key factors that can affect market performance and how these may influence
the choice of response option
▪ List key types of data that need to be collected to assess market performance
▪ Explain how CTP can support the different phases of humanitarian response
▪ Use key CTP terms appropriately
▪ Summarise the key factors determining the overall appropriateness of CTP in humanitarian
▪ Describe key steps related to CTP across the Programme Cycle
▪ Demonstrate how CTP relates to and is reflected in key standards in the humanitarian sector
▪ Briefly describe key policy trends and their influence on CTP