Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT Staff – E-learning Modules
The original 5-day face to face Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT staff course was developed with thanks to the Fritz Institute as lead developer, in collaboration with CALP. Here you will find e-learning modules based on specific topics of the course. You may complete the modules in any order.
These e-learning courses were developed by the Fritz Institute, in collaboration with IRC.
The complete course will be delivered over 7 modules, with the remaining currently a work in progress.
o ensure understanding of CVA and implications for Supply Chain, Finance, and ICT, develop basic competences to deliver CVA and build inter-functional understanding to support implementation.
By the end of this Module, you will be able to:
- Describe how CVA needs to be integrated into the roles of different functions throughout the project cycle
- Explain what operational information is needed to inform response analysis
- Evaluate the operational feasibility of cash as a modality
- Assess options for approaches to delivering CVA and understand implications for operational design
- Explain and manage the process to compliantly and effectively select, contract, and manage service providers required for the implementation of CVA
- Plan for how the disbursements to beneficiaries will be actioned, reconciled and reported
- Identify key operational risks and mitigating actions specific to CVA
This course is only available in English