West and Central Africa
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Why you need a plan A, B and C: Using cash in hard-to-reach contexts
Blog Post
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a valuable response choice in hard-to-reach areas, but it must be properly adapted to context with sufficient investment given to preparedness. Mirko Tommasi explains how preparing multiple plans, being flexible and ready to change plans fast and frequently is crucial for success in challenging contexts.
CVA for people on the move: Time for a new vision?
Webinar recording
This event presented the main findings of our recently released study People are on the move: Can the world of CVA keep up? Analysis of the use of CVA in the context of human mobility in the Americas. Additionally, invited guests discussed key issues on facing the topic of human mobility and CVA and answered questions from the audience. The event included two videos’ interventions: one...
Changes to US and UN economic sanctions may simplify CVA implementation
Blog Post
Recent changes to the UN and US economic sanctions regimes promise to improve cash transfer process across international borders, but changes might not be as quick or comprehensive as we would hope. We put eight questions to Rory Crew, who has looked into the matter for you.
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Livelihoods Cost-Effectiveness Brief – Anticipatory Cash
Case Study
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) implemented an anticipatory action cash-distribution pilot among six agro-pastoralist communities in Northeast Nigeria, focused on reducing the damaging effects of flooding. Prior to the flood season of 2022, the IRC set up an early warning system with local...
Livelihoods Cost-Effectiveness Brief – Anticipatory Cash, 2022
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) implemented an anticipatory action cash-distribution pilot among six agro-pastoralist communities in Northeast Nigeria, focused on reducing the damaging effects of flooding. Prior to the flood season of 2022, the IRC set up an early warning system with local...
With the stakes so high, is Cash and Voucher Assistance the lifeline it’s meant to be?
This is a summary report of a study conducted with CVA recipients in the Central African Republic between June and August 2022 as part of the “Cash Barometer” project. Between June and August 2022, Ground Truth Solutions talked to nearly 1,500 CVA recipients in the three subprefectures where most...
“Money determines life, survival and everything else” People need choices for an uncertain future
Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) has been collecting feedback from CVA recipients in Nigeria since 2019. In this fourth round of quantitative surveys in September 2022, we spoke with 1,981 people, including internally displaced people, host community members, and returnees, who had received cash and voucher...
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
Linking humanitarian cash assistance and national social protection systems
This study looks at the current (2020-2022) alignment and links between social protection programs on the one hand and humanitarian assistance provided by donors and agencies on the other in six countries in the Sahel region: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal. The study aims to...
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG – 9 November 2022
Meeting minutes
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG – 9 November 2022
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday 9 November 2022, from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and online. The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in English and French. The draft agenda for this meeting will be: National CWGs...
Evidence of impact research study: Cash and voucher assistance in Niger
Case Study
While in-kind assistance constitutes the bulk of humanitarian aid globally, Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is quickly gaining ground among donors and practitioners. Between 2014 and 2020, the share of CVA-based support within the overall humanitarian assistance portfolio) increased 4.5 times — from...
Spotlight on the Sahel and Central Africa: Design and implementation of CVA programmes in challenging contexts
This September join us for a series of webinars exploring this topic.
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday 7 September 2022, from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and online. The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in English and French. The draft agenda for this meeting will be: Roundtable of...
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG – 7 September 2022
Meeting minutes
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG – 7 September 2022
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Burkina Faso: CVA feasibility study key findings
Case Study
The study conducted by Plan International in May 2022 in Burkina Faso adopted a mix of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to gather data across the communities in Ouahigouya, Kongoussi, Fada N’Gourma and Kaya municipalities. A total of 28 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) was undertaken with...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Niger: CVA feasibility study key findings
Case Study
A mixed qualitative and quantitative data gathering was conducted by Plan International in August 2022 in Niger through market survey, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) in Tillabery (Ouallam and Torodi) and Tahoua regions. A total of 131 traders from the major markets...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Mali: CVA feasibility study key findings
Case Study
A mixed qualitative and quantitative data gathering was conducted by Plan International in August 2022 in Mali through market survey, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) in the regions of Gao, Menaka, Mopti, Segou, and Timbuktu. A total of 225 traders from the major market...
UNHCR Cameroon – UNHCR feasibility review of using cash for shelter interventions in Far North Cameroon
This report presents a feasibility review of using cash for shelter interventions in Far North Cameroon, commissioned by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa (RBWCA). The report first introduces the study and the context, it then spells out...
Improving the Prospects for Peace in Nigeria: Spotlight on cash-based transfers
Case Study
This report aims to provide a better understanding of how the World Food Programme’s (WFP) cash-based transfer (CBT) interventions in Nigeria make peace contributions and looks at how these contributions could be further enhanced. The findings are based on a desk review of programme documents, in-depth...
Community Reflections: The Cumulative Impact of Keeping People Informed
This briefing note presents an overview of the findings from Ground Truth Solutions’ in-depth, qualitative interviews with community representatives of displaced people and aid recipients in Nigeria and Somalia in May and June 2022. As part of the Cash Barometer initiative, we invited youth leaders,...
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG – leads/co-leads – 15-16 June 2022
Meeting minutes
Minutes and recording from the WCAF regional CWG leads/co-leads – 15-16 June 2022 Session 1 Session 2
Geotargeting Analysis for Seasonal Assistance: Case study Chad
Case Study
This paper describes the methodology that was developed to address targeting gaps using remote sensing data, presents the results obtained using the methodology, and discusses the challenges in its utilisation.