The cash sector is delivering 492 million USD to people in need as part of the humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis. This makes it the largest cash response in the world.
Find a collection of reports and case studies that provide learnings, findings and recommendations from the CVA response in Ukraine.
Registration, Targeting and Deduplication: Emergency Response inside Ukraine Thematic paper
This paper provides learning, key takeaways and recommendations from Ukraine cash response, focusing on registration, targeting and deduplication with.
Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in Ukraine
This thematic paper will contribute to learning by documenting key lessons learnt, emerging critical issues, and real-time recommendations.
Role of Civil Society Organisations in Ukraine
This is the third and final paper in a 3-thematic papers collection. It focuses on the role of civil society organizations in Ukraine with recommendations and key findings on partnership, coordination, funding and more.
More resources:
Ukraine: Unlocking a more effective humanitarian response
On Disability
Cash and beyond – Analysis of extra costs associated with disabilities and disability-specific social protection in Ukraine, in the aftermath of the Russian invasion
Following the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 and the consequent humanitarian crisis, the country has experienced active fighting and massive displacement, both within and outside its borders. Persons with disabilities and older persons have been facing particularly harsh effects, especially for those with more severe forms of disabilities, who encountered challenges in...
Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance vs Foster Care, Disability and Other Protection Considerations in Multi-stakeholder Environment, Ukraine Refugee Response in Poland
This short research paper on strategic linkages between localized cash response, protection and social protection in Poland offers medium dive into the subject matter. The methodology involved both desk-based analysis, visits and interviews as part of a qualitative survey focused on the response in the City of Gdansk and a smaller centre – Ostroda. We offer a series of five hypotheses in the...
On Gender-Based Violence
GBV Considerations for Women and Girls- Cash in Ukraine and the Regional Refugee Response- UNFPA 2022
Guidelines and Tools
Cash assistance is a modality that will be used extensively inside conflict-affected Ukraine and in the regional refugee response, where feasible and appropriate (1). Given that the large majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children, it is critical to ensure that cash programming does not put this particularly vulnerable population at further risk. This summary is a joint effort by...
Gender-based violence (GBV) risk analysis for cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in Ukraine
A GBV Task Force was formed by members of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster and the Cash Working Group (CWG) in April 2022 in Ukraine. This Task Force (TF) has been created to support GBV mainstreaming within cash programming for the Ukraine response. The role of this TF is to review tools, assessments and plans for the roll-out of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), but also to...
Other Key Resources
Ukraine Cash Working Group – Fact Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
The Ukraine Cash Working Group has produced this fact sheet to provide the latest information concerning: The cash working group, its foundations and current focus The role of multi purpose cash in light of the current crisis The Minimum Expenditure Basket (MPC) and its current calculation in Ukraine Data and Information sensitivity classification in Ukraine Current task teams focussing on...
Technical brief: Key Principles and Recommendations for Inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine.
Guidelines and Tools
A technical brief on inclusive cash and voucher assistance in Ukraine, developed together with the European Disability Forum. The brief is intended to provide general guidance for humanitarian agencies operating in Ukraine on how to implement Disability Inclusive CVA.
Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries
This Fact sheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation Reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) specialists who are considering, planning for, or already using CVA...
UNHCR Reflections on the Ukraine Effect for the MENA Regional Task Force
A presentation shared by UNHCR colleagues on their reflections on managing CVA in contexts of high inflation.