New the CALP Network Online Training Course: “E-Transfers and operationalizing beneficiary data protection”
With the aim of helping the humanitarian sector to improve beneficiary’s data protection, the CALP Network is now launching in partnership with the UNHCR the course “E – transfer and operationalizing beneficiary data protection”. The purpose of this course is to assist humanitarian practitioners to take the necessary steps to operationalize the protection of beneficiary data in programmes using electronic transfers, or e-transfers. This shall be done by sharing case studies and experiences from a number of organisations and sector specialists that highlight the risks, challenges and emerging solutions.
The course is divided into 5 modules as follows:
- Module 1: Introduction: This module demonstrates why it is important for aid agencies to improve data management and data protection in humanitarian responses, and especially cash-based interventions using e-transfer technology.
- Module 2 : Legislation and Trends: This module provides an overview of key global data protection legislation and policies of relevance, and highlights emerging trends in this area which are likely to influence humanitarian programming.
- Module 3: E-transfer overview: This module introduces the main e-transfer technologies that can be used to deliver cash-based assistance to people affected by disasters. You will learn some of the benefits and challenges of e-transfer technology, including the challenges aid agencies face in terms of protecting beneficiary data.
- Module 4: Emerging Solutions: This module introduces a number of good practice approaches that your agency can put in place to overcome some of these challenges on e-transfer programmes.
- Module 5: Ways forward, resources and guidance: Finally, this module introduces various resources and guidance materials that you can help your agency to take steps to improve data protection on e-transfer and other programmes.
It is addressed to a range of stakeholders including humanitarian organizations, international organizations, governments and private sector actors. While the course covers issues specific to e-transfers, most guidance is applicable in other circumstances.
This course has been developed with the generous support from the British Red Cross, The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department, DisasterReady and the web-based educational technologies’ company Monarch Media.
The course can be accessed here.