The CALP Network’s Karen Peachey in Devex: “For cash transfers to work, we can’t ignore gender”
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Opinion: For cash transfers to work, we can’t ignore gender
“We know that gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts affect populations differently. As humanitarian actors, we must carefully consider the ways emergencies can exacerbate women’s and girls’ existing vulnerabilities and create new risks for all, including men and boys. If we do not, we risk delivering responses that are ineffective — or worse still, harmful.
We are only just beginning to understand the relationship between gender and cash transfer programming, or CTP.
There is a growing body of evidence on how CTP impacts household relationships and can be used to empower women and girls in development settings. Yet gender is rarely a part of our thinking in most cash-based humanitarian responses.
The latest figures suggest that CTP makes up around 10 percent of humanitarian assistance — although the Global Public Policy Institute estimates that if we used cash whenever the evidence suggested it was the most appropriate, that figure would be closer to 40 percent. As the global push for cash gathers pace, urgent action is needed to ensure gender is systematically considered in all cash-based assistance in humanitarian action…”
Read the full article on Devex:
On 12 September 2018, the CALP Network launched a collection of research and practice papers on Gender and Cash. The first three papers in this collection are from UN Women, Concern Worldwide and World Food Programme. More will be added soon. The papers are available to download as a collection or individually on our dedicated thematic page on Gender and Cash Transfer Programming.