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181 – 192 of 192 results
Partnering for success: What works in e-cash programs?
Blog Post
As the CALP Network readers know, cash transfer programming is growing in use in a variety of locations and situations. After years of using cash transfers, humanitarians are increasingly interested in taking advantage of electronic delivery mechanisms to offer program participants additional choice,...
Scaling up Cash-Based Assistance with ECHO: Common principles for multi-purpose cash-based assistance
Blog Post
In June 2015, the Council of Europe adopted 10 common principles for Multi-Purpose Cash-Based Assistance. While only a small percentage of humanitarian assistance is currently cash-based, the common principles are paving the way for greater advocacy with other donors and partners, as well as in view of...
New the CALP Network Online Training Course: “E-Transfers and operationalizing beneficiary data protection”
Blog Post
With the increase in the use of electronic transfers (e-transfers) in the humanitarian sector, concerns regarding information management of beneficiaries’ data have risen among humanitarian agencies. Although there are principles and operational standards that provide a framework for the protection of...
The role of Cash Working Group Coordinator: Focus on Bangladesh
Blog Post
Multiple country cash working groups have emerged the past years to encourage the coordination of cash transfers across sectors. Eun Jung Yi, Coordinator of the Bangladesh Cash Working Group, presents some of the key achievements of the group within its first 12 months of existence.
New Publication: “MARKit: Price monitoring, analysis and response kit”
Blog Post
The Local Regional Procurement (LRP) Learning Alliance has launched a new publication “MARKit : Price monitoring , analysis and response kit” aimed to guide food assistance practitioners through the steps to monitor markets during the implementation of food assistance programs, and to ensure that...
New publication: “MARKit: Price monitoring, analysis and response kit”.
Blog Post
The Local Regional Procurement (LRP) Learning Alliance has launched a new publication “MARKit : Price monitoring , analysis and response kit” aimed to guide food assistance practitioners through the steps to monitor markets during the implementation of food assistance programs, and to ensure that...
UNICEF’s Alternative Responses for Communities in Crisis (ARCC) programme – The largest Humanitarian Multi-Purpose Unconditional Cash Transfer Program in the DRC
Blog Post
Cash-based Response programs have a long standing history as part of humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Gabriele Erba provides an insight into the ARCC programme and its operational research component looking into the consequence of using different delivery mechanisms and of...
Protection in Cash Based Interventions – Interviews with Richard Nunn and Lou Lasap
Blog Post
As part of an ECHO-funded Enhanced Response Capacity grant, UNHCR in partnership with WFP, Oxfam GB and the Cash Learning Partnership held an inter-agency workshop on cash and protection in Nairobi on the 10-12th March. The workshop brought together cash and protection practitioners to reflect upon...
Cash Transfer and Community Resilience Programming in South Central Somalia
Blog Post
The Building Resilience in Central Somalia (BRCiS) attempts to provide immediate humanitarian assistance as well as developing longer term local capacity through a combination of locally adapted cash-for-work and unconditional cash transfers.
Cash Transfers: Progress made but challenges remain
Blog Post
In five years cash programming has come from almost nowhere to being – for some donors at least – the preferred option, especially in the field of food and nutrition. “We no long measure food aid contributions in wheat/tons equivalent,” says Julia Stewart-David of the EU aid body, ECHO. “That...
ICT/mobile Phone Technology: A shift in the right direction
Blog Post
Thirteen African nations came together for the AgriKnowledge Share Fair in Addis Ababa at the end of October 2012 to learn about approaches for quicker and more efficient humanitarian response. Government representatives, researchers, UN agencies and NGOs gathered for a three day symposium on best...
Reconnecting Zimbabweans to financial services through cash transfers
Blog Post
During 2008/9 the use of cash based responses to humanitarian crises in Zimbabwe was hindered by the severe economic crisis and hyperinflation the country experienced. However the transfer to a multi-currency system in 2009, based mainly on the US Dollar and South African Rand, enabled aid organisations...