اختيار وتقديم الآلية
الإجراءات الرئيسية
كيفية القيام بالأمر
IRC Minimum business requirements for selecting digital payment providers Section 5.
الرابط غير متوفر
ELAN Mobile Money Assessment and Contracting guide
Background on Hawala & Implementation. Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia
الأدوات المتاحة
Delivery mechanisms: · UNHCR Cash Delivery Mechanism Assessment Tool (CDMAT) 4. Decision Trees
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M3_1_3_3 Advantages & disadvantages CTP mechanisms
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_1_1 Mobile money requirements checklist
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_1_2 Value card requirements checklist
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_1_3 E-transfer requirements checklist
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_1_4 Assessing mobile money template
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_1_5 Assessing service providers checklist
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit · M2_4_1_1 Assessing FSP topics and sources template
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit. M2_4_1_2 Assessing FSP Capacity Checklist
Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia Annex 2: Sample Hawala Agent Interview Form
كيفية القيام بالأمر
CALP Network's Working with cash based safety nets in emergencies
· Step 2.5 Options for engagement · Step 2.6 Contexts with potential for linking social assistance with humanitarian cash based response. · Step 3 Working With Social Assistance Systems: Practical Guidance for Humanitarian Actors.
Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...
Use organisational procurement guidelines for service provision
كيفية القيام بالأمر
غير متاح استخدم إرشادات الشراء الخاصة بمؤسستك لتقديم الخدمة
كيفية القيام بالأمر
Mercy Corps E-transfer implementation guide Chapter 2. Selecting and contracting your Service Provider
ELAN Mobile Money Assessment and Contracting guide
Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia Implementation: Signing a Contract
الأدوات المتاحة
CWG SS: Contract Development Checklist
الرابط غير متوفر
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M4_3_3_1 IFRC Standard contract template
For Vouchers: · IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit Vouchers' Box: 2. 2. Contract Template
For Hawala: · Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia, Annex 1: Sample Service Contract between Agency X and Money Transfer Company ‘Hawala Agent Y’
كيفية القيام بالأمر
Protecting Beneficiary Privacy: Principles and Operational Standards for the Secure Use of Personal Data in Cash and e-transfer Programmes
Guidelines and Tools
The use of electronic transfers (e-transfers) in cash transfer programming has grown in the humanitarian sector and is increasingly recognised as an effective and efficient intervention in certain emergency contexts. Following recommendations made by a CALP research in 2011 on e-transfers ‘New Technologies in Cash Transfer Programming and Humanitarian Assistance’ and demonstrated interest...
ELAN Data Starter kit Tip Sheet 6: Sharing