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التصنيف حسب
نتائج 81 من 100 – 515
Learnings from Cash Grant Support to Small and Medium Food Shops in Northwest Syria
The majority of vendors working within GOAL’s areas of operation survive on slim margins and are highly susceptible to market and currency instability, often resulting in an inability to restock on time due to a lack of financial capital. Vendors are often confronted with other issues such as the lack...
Staying together: vulnerable households in Cambodia recover from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and protect their children
A short video highlighting how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) transitioned to livelihood early recovery assistance to achieve child protection outcomes for vulnerable households affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19 in Cambodia and already receiving case management by child protection agencies.
Out of Residential Care Institutions : building the capacities of vulnerable households to ensure family-based care during COVID-19
A short video highlighting how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) transitioned to livelihood early recovery support to enable vulnerable households affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19 to strengthen their capacity to care for their children and for youth living in Residential Care Institutions to...
Cash Transfer
A short video highlighting how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) achieved child protection outcomes for vulnerable households affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19 and already receiving case management by child protection agencies, strengthening their capacities to cover their essential needs,...
Delivering Better Together: Standard Operating Procedures for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
Delivering Better Together: SOPs for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance is a digital guide to all things cash and vouchers in Oxfam that can be downloaded to and accessed from a phone, tablet, or any other device. The SOPs focus on the basics of cash and vouchers, the use of it for...
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune : Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’Oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune: Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires est un guide numérique sur tout ce qui concerne les transferts monétaires à Oxfam. Il peut être téléchargé et consulté sur un téléphone, une...
Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias
Guía y herramientas
“Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias” es una guía digital sobre todo lo relacionado con los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en Oxfam, que se puede descargar y consultar en un teléfono,...
Philippines Case Study: Cash Assistance to Access Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Reduce Maternal Deaths
As part of the humanitarian response to large displacements due to internal conflict in the Lanao del Sur province, in 2019 and 2020, UNFPA Philippines piloted the provision of cash assistance as an incentive for pregnant women to access SRH services. Against the backdrop of exacerbated poverty due to...
Philippines Case Study: Cash for Protection for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Women at Risk of GBV
As part of the humanitarian response to a series of earthquakes in the Philippines, UNFPA Philippines piloted the integration of cash assistance within GBV case management services and as support to women and girls at risk of GBV, including women and girls with mental health and psychosocial support...
MPCA Referral Mechanism to Sectoral Services in Iraq
Guidelines and Tools
This is a harmonised and inter-agency mechanism that allows referring MPCA beneficiaries to 5 critical sectors and its activities: Agriculture, Livelihoods, Health, Protection and Shelter. The aim is to provide more holistic support and enhance the impact of MPCA to vulnerable population.
IOM Cash-based Interventions – Annual Report and Case Studies 2021
The IOM CBI Annual Report and Case Studies 2021 highlights the increasing use of cash and voucher assistance in IOM and efforts to build capacity and knowledge on CBI within the organization. The report also features case studies from more than 30 IOM missions where CBI modalities were used to implement...
Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance programming in the Borena zone, Oromia, and Zone One, Afar regions in Ethiopia
OCHA reports close to seven million people living in the lowlands of Oromia, Somali, SNNP and Southwest regions continue to experience the effects of drought (including 3 million people in So-mali Region, 2.4 million in eastern Oromia and 1 million people in southern Oromia).
Following three consecutive...
مؤشرات النتائج متعددة الأغراض والإرشادات
إرشادات وأدوات
تركز المؤشرات الواردة في هذه الوثيقة، التي طورها مسار العمل النقدي للصفقة الكبرى، على الأهداف الأساسية للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض الإنسانية، والنتائج التي...
Multipurpose cash outcome indicators and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
The indicators in this document, developed by the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream, focus on the primary objectives of humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC), and the outcomes to which MPC can most strongly contribute in a given context.
Indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples et orientations
Guides et outils
Les indicateurs de ce document, développés par le groupe de travail Transferts Monétaires du Grand Bargain, se concentrent sur les objectifs principaux des transferts d’espèces à usage multiple (TEUM), et sur les résultats auxquels le TEUM peut le plus contribuer dans un contexte donné.
Executive Summary of the Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) Endline in Yemen
From September 2021 to April 2022, Save the Children Yemen implemented the RF4BN project to support pregnant and lactating women (PLWs), children under 2 (CU2), and other vulnerable households. The project aimed to improve their access to food, water, hygiene, health, and nutrition services through the...
Resultados de las Transferencias Monetarias Multipropósito (TMM)- Indicadores y orientaciones
Guía y herramientas
Los indicadores en este documento, desarrollado por el Grupo de trabajo de programas de transferencias monetarias del “Gran Pacto” (Grand Bargain Cash Workstream), se centran en los objetivos primarios de las Transferencias Monetarias Multipropósito (TMM), y los resultados a los cuales las TMM...
Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries
This Fact sheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation Reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and...
CVA for Health Services Guidance Note
Guidelines and Tools
Guidance on the use of CVA for Health Services in Iraq, developed in collaboration with the CWG, the Health Cluster, the Protection Cluster and with the technical support of CashCap
Presentation: Launch of ECHO Cash thematic policy
This is the presentation of the launch of ECHO’s Cash Thematic Policy, which provides guidance to DG ECHO partners and staff on the use of cash transfers. The launch event had the following objectives: Highlight key elements of the policy – emphasising what’s new. Equip a wide cash audience on how...