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نتائج 81 من 100 – 463
Common Barriers to Accessing Inclusive Cash and Vouchers Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
A short list of the most common barriers to ensuring disability inclusive CVA programming
Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries
This Fact sheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation Reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and...
Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries
This Factsheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and...
GBV Considerations for Women and Girls- Cash in Ukraine and the Regional Refugee Response- UNFPA 2022
Guidelines and Tools
Cash assistance is a modality that will be used extensively inside conflict-affected Ukraine and in the regional refugee response, where feasible and appropriate (1). Given that the large majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children, it is critical to ensure that cash programming does not put...
Cash and In-Kind Transfers in Humanitarian Settings: A review of evidence and knowledge gaps
Over the past decade, humanitarian assistance and social protection have increasingly emerged as a policy response tool to support crisis-affected populations facing conflict or natural disasters. This paper presents a descriptive literature review of non-contributory humanitarian assistance interventions...
Expanding the Evidence Base on Cash, Protection, GBV and Health in Humanitarian Settings Findings from Northwest Syria: A Comparison of Individual Protection Assistance and Dignity Kits
As part of 2021 programming in northwest Syria, UNFPA and its implementing partners provided dignity kits (hygiene and sanitary products) and individual protection assistance (IPA, a one-off unconditional cash transfer) to those in need. The two interventions were intended to provide immediate assistance...
Brief – Expanding the Evidence Base on Cash, Protection, GBV and Health in Humanitarian Settings Findings from Northwest Syria: A Comparison of Individual Protection Assistance and Dignity Kits
As part of 2021 programming in northwest Syria, UNFPA and its implementing partners provided dignity kits (hygiene and sanitary products) and individual protection assistance (IPA, a one-off unconditional cash transfer) to those in need. The two interventions were intended to provide immediate assistance...
The Use of Cash Assistance in DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal: Key Learning, Best Practices and Recommendations
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the learnings, future improvements and best practices in cash programming. The 2020 DEC Coronavirus Appeal was analysed to determine the opportunities for collective learning about cash programming. The countries investigated include, Afghanistan,...
Gender Responsive social protection post- Covid 19
See the publication here Social protection has been a key policy response to address pandemic-related social and economic crises; however, attention to gender has been insufficient. Less than one in five global social protection measures during COVID-19 has addressed gender, such as supporting women in...
Economic Resilience “On-the-Move” – New Tools to leverage local markets for basic needs through conflict-sensitive approaches
Guidelines and Tools
See the publication here A special look at Cash and Local Markets for Social Cohesion Local market actors affected by (natural) disasters, pandemic lockdowns with movement restrictions and income loss – generally in Fragile Contexts – play a critical role in contributing towards communities’ basic...
#GenderCash: Are we making enough progress?
Blog Post
It’s International Women’s Day 2022! This time four years ago many in the cash and gender communities committed to a six-point plan to improve #GenderCash. But what happened next and what still needs to happen? Karen Peachey CALP’s Director takes a quick look at where we are and also challenges you...
#GenderCash (efectivo y género) – ¿Estamos avanzando lo suficiente?
Blog Post
¡Es el Día Internacional de la Mujer 2022! En este día, hace cuatro años, muchos miembros de las comunidades de género y transferencias monetarias se comprometieron con un plan de seis puntos para mejorar el #GenderCash. Pero ¿qué se ha logrado y qué queda aún por hacer? Karen Peachey, directora...
Use of cash and voucher assistance for the wellbeing of adolescent boys and girls in crisis
Adolescents – young people between the ages of 10 and 19 – have specific needs that are distinct from those of younger children and adults. This transitional and developmental period is increasingly seen as an “age of opportunity” globally and in humanitarian settings, because of the significant...
Programas de Transferencias Monetarias para Adolescentes: Revisión de la evidencia de cómo la asistencia con transferencias monetarias puede lograr resultados para las/los adolescentes en los entornos humanitarios
El objetivo de la revisión documental y de las consultas globales realizadas por WRC a nombre de Plan, fue recopilar y documentar los programas existentes que proporcionan transferencias monetarias PTM para los resultados del bienestar de las/los adolescentes, así como evidencia reciente relacionada con...
2021 Cash And Voucher Programming (CVP) Roadmap Milestones Achieved
Summary Report of World Vision’s global progress report and milestones (against WV’s global Cash Roadmap Strategy) in Cash Voucher Assistance (Cash Voucher Programming-CVP) facilitated by World Vision in over 44 countries, reaching more than 6.7 Mio vulnerable people (78 % in Fragile Contexts) in...
Grand Bargain Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream – Closing document
Guidelines and Tools
The sub-workstream of gender and cash, composed of NGOs, UN agencies, donors and research institutions, met over the span of three years as peers to collaborate on encouraging and equipping the humanitarian sector to embrace and increase capacities in integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment,...
Curso en línea de la CALP: PTM-Habilidades fundamentales para el personal de programas
دورة تدريبية
¿Tiene como objetivo desarrollar continuamente sus habilidades profesionales sobre los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM)? Este curso en línea de la CALP le permitirá fortalecer sus conocimientos y habilidades para diseñar e implementar programas de alta calidad.
What Does Gender-sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like? 2.0: Multi-Country Study
In 2019, CARE commissioned the study “What Does Gender sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like?” to evaluate the extent to which CARE’s programming with cash and voucher assistance (CVA) met the strategic intent. It guided the agency-wide definition and design of subsequent guidelines on...
Pathways from CVA to long term financial inclusion: A framework for success
Blog Post
CVA programs can provide a springboard to financial inclusion. But spotting the right opportunity, and good programme design, are key. GSMA and Mercy Corps share a simple tool to understand which contexts offer the best pathways from CVA to financial inclusion.
Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021
The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.