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نتائج 1 من 20 – 101
Paving the Way Towards At-Scale Cash Assistance in South Africa
Case Study
Climate change presents severe threats in South Africa where droughts, floods, storms, and fires are becoming more frequent and intense, exposing vulnerable populations to heightened risks. After storm surges caused severe flooding of the KwaZulu and Free State provinces in January and April 2024, the...
Protection Sociale, transferts monétaires et Changement Climatique
Enregistrement webinaire
Venez explorer les relations entre le changement climatique, les transferts monétaires (TM), la protection sociale et l’assistance humanitaire ? Regardez les webinaires sur « La protection sociale, les TM et le changement climatique » qui vous sont présentés par la communauté de pratique...
Social Protection, CVA and Climate Change
Webinar recording
Do you want to explore the relationships between climate change, CVA, social protection, and humanitarian response? Watch the webinar recordings on ‘Social Protection, CVA and Climate Change’ brought to you by the CVA, Climate and Environment Community of Practice (CoP). The disruptive impacts of...
Improving Food Security and Nutrition with Cash Assistance, Cash for Work and Inputs Distribution in Myanmar – Strengthening household resilience to socioeconomic and climate shocks in Rakhine State
Case Study
Rakhine State in Myanmar has been experiencing armed conflict, localized violence, political instability and extremely high levels of forced displacement for years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the local population faced further and compounding disruptions to livelihoods, and local government...
Anticipatory Action and Cash Transfers for Slow-onset Hazards: Practitioners’ note for field testing
Asia and the Pacific, one of the most hazard prone-regions in the world, is now starting to grapple with an increasing number of slow-onset hazard crises. Events such as droughts and extreme winter seasons are becoming the norm, unfolding gradually and often eluding immediate recognition even as they...
Enhancing Resilience and Restoring Agricultural Productive Capacity and Food Security through Social Protection in Indonesia – Emergency assistance for post-earthquake and tsunami recovery through cash assistance in Central Sulawesi
Case Study
In 2018, a series of earthquakes struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Province, which is a major agricultural production centre in the country. The earthquakes triggered a tsunami and caused landslides with considerable damage and loss of life. Damages to the agricultural sector accounted alone for 40...
Scoping the Cash and Climate Landscape in East Africa and Kenya: Focusing on cash and anticipatory action
In February 2024, NORCAP’s CashCap and Climate action teams undertook a joint East Africa regional and Kenya country level scoping mission about the potential of cash in anticipatory action to climate-related shocks. The main objective was to: Analyse the needs, capacity and adequacy for the CashCap and...
CVA, Climate and Environment Community of Practice – Anticipatory Action and Cash
Anticipatory Action and CVA: Understanding and Exploring Key Concepts, Issues, Approaches, and Perspectives. The webinar will be delivered at times friendly to the Americas and Asia Pacific regions.
Communauté de Pratiques autour des Transferts Monétaires et des questions climatiques et environmentales
L’action anticipée (AA) est un sujet brûlant dans le secteur humanitaire, et l’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) en tant que modalité clé de l’AA signifie qu’il s’agit d’un domaine de plus en plus pertinent pour les praticiens des TM. Bien que l’AA ne se limite pas aux crises...
Rampant inflation and climate crisis: can cash cope? – Community perceptions of cash assistance and resilience in northeast Nigeria
Nigeria is currently experiencing its worst financial crisis in almost 30 years. Economic reforms such as the floating of the naira and the fuel subsidy’s removal have contributed to rising inflation, which reached almost 30% in February 2024. The volatile financial climate is having a real and...
From Emergency to System Strengthening: WFP Caribbean cash transfer responses through social protection (2018-2023)
This document presents an overview of the World Food Programme’s efforts from 2018 to 2023 in the Caribbean, focusing on enhancing social protection systems through cash transfers in response to emergencies, highlighting key lessons learned and the path forward. This paper provides an overview of WFP...
Comunidad de Práctica sobre PTM, Cambio climático y Medio Ambiente
Esta presentación fue utilizada en la primera reunión de la comunidad de práctica sobre acción anticipatoria y PTM.
Does Cash-Plus Programming Work in Contexts of Protracted Crises?
Policy paper
Cash-plus programmes aim to strengthen food security and livelihoods by providing cash transfers alongside complementary support and services. In stable settings, these programmes can, to some extent, draw on established public services and administrative capacities. Yet, increasingly they are used in...
Locally Led Anticipatory Action Guide and Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
How civil society organisations can engage with communities, and collaborate with mandated, technical and donor agencies to localise and scale up early warning and early action
The purpose of the guide is to support civil society organisations to engage with communities and other actors and structures...
Pathways Toward a Green Humanitarian Response
The humanitarian sector is grappling with the task of reducing its negative impacts upon the climate and environment. Despite growing awareness of the need to shift towards greener action, tangible change and outcomes have remained frustratingly limited, while the impacts of climate and environmental...
Calcul de l’empreinte GES de Paniers de Dépenses Minimum
Case Study
Début 2021, Action contre la Faim (ACF) France a lancé une évaluation des émissions de GES avec d’autres membres du Réseau Environnement Humanitaire (REH). La portée de la comptabilisation cible toutes les émissions, et très rapidement certaines activités, pouvant générer une variabilité...
Calculating the GHG Footprint of Food Aid using Cash Transfers
Case Study
In early 2021, Action Against Hunger (ACF) France is launching a GHG emissions assessment with other members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH). The scope of accounting target all emissions, and very quickly some activities, which can generate considerable variability in the results, are...
Scoping Review on the Role of Social Protection in Facilitating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Economic Inclusion among Rural Populations
Rural populations, especially small-scale producers and women, are disproportionately impacted by climate change since their livelihoods depend largely on natural resources and weather patterns. This paper reviews the available evidence on the role of social protection programmes in facilitating climate...
Climate Funds and Social Protection: What is the progress to date?
The 21st century has witnessed a profound transformation in our understanding of the climate crisis and its far-reaching impacts. As the world grapples with the consequences of global warming, it has become increasingly clear that addressing climate change is not merely an environmental challenge but a...
Climate Risk Impacts on Employment Opportunities for Youth in Pakistan: A survey report
Pakistan faces a high level of disaster risk due to its exposure to a variety of natural and climate-related hazards including earthquakes, floods, landslides, storms and extreme temperatures (WBG & ADB, 2021). Research pertaining to the impact of these hazards on youths’ access and participation in the...