البحث عن طريق الكلمات الرئيسية
التصنيف حسب
نتائج 1 من 20 – 730
PTM: Habilidades fundamentales para el personal de programas – CaC
دورة تدريبية
El objetivo de este curso es desarrollar los conocimientos, las habilidades y la confianza del personal de las organizaciones humanitarias para el diseño técnico y la calidad de las transferencias de efectivo. También es adecuado para el personal de programas responsable del diseño, la implementación...
Fondamentaux des transferts monétaires – Présentiel
دورة تدريبية
Ce cours s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les transferts monétaires humanitaires. Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous n'avez aucune expérience ou connaissance préalable sur les transferts monétaires, ce cours est fait pour vous !
وجهًا لوجه – برمجة التحويلات النقدية – الأساسيات (The Fundamentals)
دورة تدريبية
ستقدم لك هذه الدورة التدريبية أساسيات برمجة التحويل النقدي وستساعدك على البدء في فهمها. لا يلزم معرفة برمجة التحويل النقدي للقيام بهذه الدورة ، لذلك إذا كنت مبتدئًا...
(Core prog) المهارات الأساسية للمساعدة النقدية والقسائم لموظفي البرنامج – وجهاً لوجه
دورة تدريبية
الهدف من هذه الدورة هو تطوير المعرفة والمهارات والثقة لدى ممارسي المنظمات الإنسانية للتصميم الفني والجودة للتحويلات النقدية. وهي مناسبة لموظفي البرنامج المسؤولين...
CVA – The Fundamentals
دورة تدريبية
This one-day course targets any staff who are new to CVA, and is designed as an introduction to key concepts, definitions and myths relating to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian settings. This course is ideal for people who wish to understand the basics of CVA, or who need to be able to...
Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff
دورة تدريبية
The Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course is a 5-day training for programme staff responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash transfer programmes. This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all of the key skills required to design, implement and monitor cash...
Core CVA Skills for Managers
دورة تدريبية
This two-day course is designed for managers with the aim to equip participants to integrate CTP into strategic programme management and coordination. The course aims to inform participants about the latest trends and debates and look closely at how to be operationally ready to run quality CTP. The...
Cash and Voucher Assistance Briefings: Modules for Donor Agency Staff
دورة تدريبية
This course aims to support and strengthen CVA related considerations within donors’ ways of working. The course will aim to inform participants about the latest trends and debates and look closely at specific topics (e.g. risk management & compliance) that are of particular relevance for the audience.
أول 100 يوم لي كمديرة جديدة لـشبكة CALP
Blog Post
في هذه المدونة، تشارك كايت تورتن، مديرة شبكة CALP، انطباعاتها الأولية حول التحديات المستقبلية التي تواجه برنامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم (CVA).
Mis primeros 100 días como nueva Directora de CALP
Blog Post
En este blog, la Directora de la CALP Network, Cate Turton, comparte sus reflexiones iniciales sobre los retos que se avecinan para la agenda de los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM).
Mes 100 premiers jours en tant que nouvelle directrice de CALP
Blog Post
Dans ce blog, Cate Turton, directrice du CALP Network, partage ses premières réflexions sur les défis qui attendent les transferts monétaires (TM).
My first 100 days as CALP’s new Director
Blog Post
In this blog, CALP Network Director Cate Turton shares her initial reflections on the challenges that lie ahead for the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) agenda.
Common Donor Messages on the Cash Response to the Escalation of Hostilities in Lebanon
he severe escalation of conflict in Lebanon since September 2024, resulted in a dreadful death toll, widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, and the mass displacement of people. Many sought refuge in collective shelters, primarily repurposed public schools while others fled across the border...
Social protection in emergencies: Strengthening the normative framework for cash transfer delivery
This document reflects the process and results of the collaborative analysis carried out between humanitarian and government actors on the normative framework for the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to respond to emergencies and disasters through the social protection (SP) system in...
Cash in Armed Conflict: Why cash remains the optimal solution as conflict escalates – A feasibility assessment of cash assistance in Lebanon
Since September 2024, the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah has caused the displacement of over 1 million people and large humanitarian suffering in Lebanon. The humanitarian response has prioritized distributing in-kind assistance to displaced populations in collective shelters,...
Collaboration entre pays en matière de transferts monétaires : Un effort utile ou inutile ?
Blog Post
Ce blog explore la dynamique régionale de la crise soudanaise et les transferts monétaires dans les différents pays touchés par la crise. Il examine les avantages potentiels d’une collaboration transfrontalière entre les groupes de travail sur les transferts monétaires et les moyens d’y parvenir.
Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in the DRC: A pilot study assessing the socio-economic effects in an artisanal mining zone of Maniema Province
‘Housing’ is one of the indicators that is used to measure the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) of people: a household is considered deprived regarding housing if at least one of the three materials for roof, walls or floor are inadequate. The endline study confirms a significant increase in...
Cross-Country Collaboration in Cash Assistance: Worthwhile or wasted effort?
Blog Post
This blog explores the regional dynamics of the Sudan crisis and cash and voucher assistance in the different countries affected by the crisis. It examines the potential advantages of collaboration between Cash Working Groups across borders and how this might be achieved.
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Minimum Standards
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is a modality of aid response, rather than a sector in of itself. CVA can therefore be used for sectoral purposes (for example, cash for protection or cash for education), as well as for multi-sectoral purposes and/or basic needs (for example, multi-purpose cash). These...
Cash for Protection in Specialised/Stand alone Protection Programming
This note aims to support protection and cash practitioners working in emergencies and humanitarian responses to better understand and consider the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as an assistance modality to contribute to a protection outcome within specialized protection programming. The note...