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نتائج 61 من 80 – 270
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
A new approach to labor market assessments – Report: Insights from systems labor market assessments in Zimbabwe and Haiti
Case Study
This report examines a methodology critical in designing employment interventions aimed at achieving systemic change: Systems Labor Market Assessments (SLMAs). Between October 2021 and March 2022, the USAID/BHA-funded Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) activity contracted...
Programa de transferencia monetaria en salud: Respuesta Humanitaria a la población migrante de Tijuana, Baja California
Case Study
Es un documento que describe cómo se implementó Cash-Salud con población de movilidad en la frontera norte de México en Tijuana, Baja California, en un contexto del COVID-19 y de la aplicación de la norma título 42 de los Estados Unidos. El proyecto se ejecutó del 2021 a 2022, apoyado por AECID. El...
CASH TRANSFER PROGRAM IN HEALTH CARE: Humanitarian Response to the Migrant Population of Tijuana, Baja California
Case Study
In this report we summarize the execution of the first
Health Cash Transfer Program (CTP) implemented by
Save the Children Mexico and Spain; also, the first in the
Humanitarian Response area, to offer psychological care
to people in mobility situations. An additional innovation
of this program is that the...
CVA for people on the move: Time for a new vision?
If you are interested in deepening your understanding of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in the response to people on the move, including migrants, refugees and displaced persons, this event should be on your agenda. We invite you to explore our recent study, “People are on the move: can the world of...
CVA for people on the move: Time for a new vision?
Webinar recording
This event presented the main findings of our recently released study People are on the move: Can the world of CVA keep up? Analysis of the use of CVA in the context of human mobility in the Americas. Additionally, invited guests discussed key issues on facing the topic of human mobility and CVA and...
Una nueva mirada: PTM y la movilidad humana
Si te interesa profundizar sobre el rol de los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en la respuesta a las personas en situación de movilidad incluyendo migrantes, refugiados y desplazados, este evento debe estar en tu agenda. Te invitamos a explorar nuestro reciente estudio, “¿Los PTM pueden...
Una nueva mirada: PTM y la movilidad humana
Grabación webinar
Durante este evento se presentaron los principales hallazgos del estudio “¿Los PTM pueden alcanzar a las personas en movimiento? Análisis de los programas de transferencias monetarias en contextos de movilidad humana en las Américas”. Adicionalmente, los panelistas invitados analizaron preguntas...
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-based Violence Case Management to Support GBV Survivors and Individuals at Risk in Jordan Snapshot
Case Study
Jordan is home to the second largest refugee population per capita in the world. The country’s population of 10,571,602 includes more than 760,000 refugees registered with the UN refugee agency. More than 80 percent live in urban areas rather than in refugee camps.
A recent assessment by CARE Jordan...
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-based Violence Case Management: Learnings from Colombia, Ecuador, and Northwest Syria
Case Study
In 2020-2022, WRC partnered with CARE in three locations, Ecuador, Colombia and Syria, to better understand the use of CVA in GBV case management. In Guayaquil, Ecuador, WRC and CARE worked with
three Ecuadorian organizations to strengthen the capacity of GBV service providers to use CVA within case...
Cash consortium guidance: How to launch and manage a cash assistance program and consortium. Lessons from VenEsperanza, Latin America’s largest humanitarian cash consortium
Case Study
The VenEsperanza Consortium is working to expand its research and influence on issues related to the provision of MPCA in emergencies and coordination between humanitarian actors in emergency settings. With this objective in mind, VenEsperanza has prioritized investment in greater evidence generation and...
Risks and safeguarding strategies in multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) programming. Lessons from VenEsperanza, Latin America’s largest cash consortium
Case Study
This report, prepared and published as part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, provides an account of VenEsperanza’s cash transfer program in Colombia and lessons learned to date. The report describes the five phases of VenEsperanza programming and presents prominent potential risks and...
Links and bridging mechanisms between cash assistance and livelihoods development/restoration programming. A review of evidence and learning from the VenEsperanza consortium
Case Study
As part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, this report provides guidance on links and bridging mechanisms between cash assistance and livelihoods development/restoration programming using the VenEsperanza Consortium as a supporting case study. This research adds to a growing body of...
Orientación del consorcio de effectivo: Cómo lanzar y administrator un programa y consorcio de asistencia en efectivo. Lecciones de VenEsperanza, el consorcio humanitario más grande de América Latina
Case Study
El Consorcio VenEsperanza está trabajando para expandir su investigación e influencia en temas relacionados con la provisión de asistencia humanitaria multipropósito de emergencia y la coordinación entre actores humanitarios en situaciones de emergencia. Con este objetivo en mente, VenEsperanza ha...
Riesgos y estrategias de salvaguarda en la programación de asistencia en efectivo multipróposito. Lecciones de VenEsperanza, el consorcio humanitario de cash más grande de América Latina
Case Study
Este informe, preparado y publicado como parte de la agenda de investigación y aprendizaje de VenEsperanza, brinda un recuento del programa de transferencias en efectivo de VenEsperanza en Colombia y las lecciones aprendidas hasta la fecha. El informe describe las cinco fases de la programación de...
Vínculos y mecanismos de conexión entre asistencia en efectivo y programación de desarrollo/restauración de medios de vida. Una revisión de la evidencia y el aprendizaje del consorcio VenEsperanza
Case Study
Como parte de la agenda de investigación y aprendizaje de VenEsperanza, este informe proporciona orientación sobre los vínculos y los mecanismos de conexión entre la asistencia en efectivo y la programación de desarrollo/restauración de medios de vida utilizando el Consorcio VenEsperanza como...
Déplacement de personnes : Les transferts monétaires Peuvent-ils soutenir le rythme ?
Analyse du recours aux transferts monétaires dans le contexte de la mobilité des personnes dans les Amériques
People are on the move: Can the world of CVA keep up? Analysis of the use of CVA in the context of human mobility in the Americas
This study proposes a new vision for the implementation of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in contexts of human mobility in the Americas region.
¿Los PTM pueden alcanzar a las personas en movimiento? Análisis de los programas de transferencias monetarias en contextos de movilidad humana en las Américas
Este estudio propone una nueva visión para alimentar el análisis sobre la implementación de los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) para la asistencia en contextos de movilidad humana en la región de las Américas.
Value for Money Analysis of VenEsperanza
Case Study
The VenEsperanza consortium in Colombia participated in a Value for Money analysis that evaluated financial transactions during the first years of operation of the consortium. The analysis focuses on efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the work of the consortium.