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نتائج 81 من 100 – 106
The Crisis in the Sahel – Special Feature
The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more than 18 million people are affected by food insecurity. In response to this crisis, cash and vouchers programming has been largely used. In...
Social Safety Net Project Overview
This presentation provides an overview of a three-year social safety net project being implemented by a consortium of Adeso and Save the Children (UK), with the overall aim to reduce community vulnerability to chronic food insecurity in two regions of Somalia/Somaliland identified as being highly...
Review of emergency cash coordination mechanisms in the Horn of Africa: Kenya and Somalia
In response to the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa in 2011, cash transfer programming (CTP) has been used extensively as a modality to meet humanitarian needs. Partly because the conditions permitted it (functioning markets, cash economies and delivery mechanisms), and partly because delivering...
Humanitarian Exchange: Special feature. New learning in cash transfer programming
The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange, co-edited with Sarah Bailey and Breanna Ridsdel, focuses on new learning in cash transfer programming. While cash is now an accepted tool, and is increasingly being used in humanitarian response, most programmes are small and gaps in analysis and...
Cash-For-Work in Somalia: Linking relief to recovery
Policy paper
In complex emergency situations such as that in Somalia, marred by violence, destitution and famine, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has managed to implement a large cash-for-work (CFW) programme. The programme provides emergency relief while building the base for...
Lignes directrices : comment utiliser les Hawala en Somalie ?
Guides et outils
Pour distribuer des fonds en Somalie, les agences humanitaires ont de plus en plus fréquemment recours à des sociétés spécialisées dans le transfert d’argent, également connues sous le nom de Hawala. Le présent document définit ce que sont les Hawala, précise leur mode de fonctionnement et...
Final Evaluation Report of the Wet Feeding and Cash Transfer Project in Southern Somalia
This evaluation report details the achievements of the ECHO funded Wet Feeding and Resource Transfer project implemented by Danish Refugee Council in Mogadishu and ended on March 30th. This synopsis precedes the details of the project and the evaluation as contained in the report. The wet feeding...
Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia
Guidelines and Tools
Money transfer companies, also known as hawala, are an increasingly popular partner chosen by humanitarian agencies to distribute cash in Somalia. This brief will explain what hawala are, how they operate, and provide some brief guidelines on how agencies can partner with them to deliver cash transfers in...
A case study of the consortium transfer programme in Somalia
Case Study
This case study looks at a consortium cash transfer programme in Somalia in response to the humanitarian crisis of 2006. Details of the context, response analysis and rationale for choosing cash for work and direct cash relief interventions are given along with the programme summary. Perceived impacts and...
Helpdesk Research Report: Cash Transfers in Fragile/Conflict-Affected Environments
In-kind assistance has traditionally dominated social protection programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts (Holmes, 2009). In recent years, however, there has been a rise in the implementation of cash transfer schemes in such environments. These programmes have often been relatively small...
Gender Tip Sheet for UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Programme in the Horn of Africa Crisis
Guidelines and Tools
The content for this note was drawn primarily from Walking the Talk: Cash Transfers and Gender Dynamics, prepared by Carol Brady, commissioned by Concern Worldwide and Oxfam GB, 12 May, 2011. Drafted for UNICEF staff, this note outlines gender-related lessons learned from past CTPs and provides tips on...
Cash Learning Bulletin August 2011
This newsletter includes articles and updates on: Smart cards used for the first time in Zimbabwe cash transfers Philippines cash learning group starts up Technical forum on cash transfers in Kenya & Somalia CALP Ivory Coast cash guidelines and details of forthcoming research for the period.
Cash Learning Bulletin: East Africa drought special edition
A CALP Network bulletin with articles and information on: Cash transfer programming in the drought response Kenya Cash Transfer Working Group Somalia Cash Transfer Working Group Training on Cash Transfers in Emergencies and a list of appropriate links and resources.
Evaluation of OGB and HR Cash Consortium in Southern Somalia
In response to the humanitarian emergency of 2006 in southern Somalia, a consortium of five agencies – Oxfam GB, Horn Relief, AFREC, WASDA and Development Concern – implemented the Emergency Drought Response Action (EDRA) programme. This was a cash-based intervention using an innovative approach with...
Evaluation of Cash Relief Programme implemented by Horn Relief
This evaluation of the Emergency Cash Relief Programme (ECRP) was conducted between the 10th -22nd of June 2004. The evaluation looked at the various issues of programme operation and management, including financial management, and used an overall performance-scoring matrix for this purpose. The overall...
Seeking Acceptance: The Promise of Cash in High-Risk Areas
Somalia is one of the world’s most insecure states with a protracted conflict that continues to profoundly affect its civilians. Thirty-two percent of the Somali population – or 2.4 million of its 7.5 million people – is currently in need of humanitarian assistance (FSNAU, 2011a). The needs are...
Q&A – Cash Transfers in South Central Somalia.
Context: In recent months, it has become clear that many populations in Southern Somalia are under increasing and severe food access stress. The situation has been further exacerbated by the absence of large-scale food aid, as well as rising global food prices, the worsening drought and its impact on...
Cash-Based Safety Nets for Livelihood Support in Northeastern Somalia: A Feasibility Study for Save the Children UK and Horn Relief
Case Study
This study looks at the need for and feasibility of cash-based safety net programming within the operational areas of Save the Children UK and Horn Relief in Northeastern Somalia. The success of recent emergency cash transfer programs in Somalia permit the question of whether cash-based programs are...
Somalia CBGWG Terms of Reference
Policy paper
The terms of reference of the Somalia Cash Based Response Working Group.
IASC Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response in South Central Somalia 2005-2010
Case Study
This independent report presented by DARA confirms that humanitarian aid in Somalia has saved thousands of lives between the years 2005 to 2010. The report is based on an evaluation of the humanitarian response in south-central Somalia and is one of the most comprehensive evaluations of aid in Somalia...