Webinar Series – Improving our work on Minimum Expenditure Baskets
The CALP Network and WFP have come together with partners to organise a series of webinars, each focusing on one specific aspect of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB). Join us to hear the latest information and developments in the field, and also to explore and review the tools which can assist practitioners to develop quality MEBs.
Dates and times
-Webinar 1: Thu Oct 15 at 1300 GMT.
Tools to improve quality of MEB calculation – Recording available here
- Nynne Warring – WFP – WFP guidance on MEB
- Nathalie Klein – the CALP Network – MEB tipsheet
- Tanjona Andriamarolaza – ICRC tools
- Steph Roberson – the CALP Network – Oxfam training modules
-Webinar 2: Thu Oct 22 at 1300 GMT.
Health expenditures: what and how to include in MEB? – Recording available here
- Global Health Cluster: Guidance on calculating Health costs in (and out of) MEB – André Griekspoor/ Yasmine Moor – WHO
- Field experience : Palestine CWG – Luca Sangalli, ACF/ Oliver Westerman, Mercy Corps
- Q & A
- Facilitator: Nynne Warring, WFP
-Webinar 3: Thu Oct 29 at 1300 GMT.
Including energy needs in your MEB calculation. – Recording available here
- Issue overview – Sara Murray, Mercy Corps
- Field experience – Muhammad Osman, Oxfam
- Speaker – Ali Khazendar, CashCap
- Polls and Discussion with participants; experience sharing and Q&A
- Facilitator: Nathalie Klein, the CALP Network
-Webinar 4: Thu Nov 5 at 1300 GMT.
Turning MEB into transfer value for MPC. – Recording avalaible here
- Setting the scene – Nynne Warring, WFP
- Donor’s perspective – Marianne Tinlot, ECHO
- Experience from Yemen CWG – Rabeea Ahmed, OCHA
- Accountability to people in need – Maximilian Seilern, Ground Truth Solutions
- Facilitator – Nathalie Klein, the CALP Network
-Webinar 5 :Thu Nov 12 at 1300 GMT
Identifying the trigger points for MEB review and update: a peer-to-peer learning conversation – Recording available here
- Experience from Beyrouth blast – Alexandre Gachoud, ICRC
- Experience from COVID in Mali – Guy Oswald Obama, FAO
- Facilitators: Nathalie Klein, the CALP Network and Nynne Warring, WFP
Why do we need to talk about MEBs?
While the concept of Minimum Expenditure Baskets is not new, it is still a fairly recent tool in humanitarian assistance. In the last few years, most Cash Working Groups across regions have built experience in defining these thresholds, which can be used in multiple ways: assessing and monitoring vulnerabilities, defining transfer values, identifying gaps in assistance coverage, fundraising etc.
Typically, in the construction of MEBs, hard to answer questions arise concerning both technical and operational aspects. We need to come together to draw collective and in-depth learning from recently published resources, and to share valuable field experience. The webinar series will comprise of 5-7 sessions, and attendees can join as few or as many as they like. Please join us to take part in this important conversation.
Additional resources:
- the CALP Network MEB tipsheet
- WFP interim MEB guidance (to be updated soon)
- Inclusion of Health Expenditures in the MEB
For any further questions, please contact Nathalie Klein or Nynne Warring.