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CALP TAG Meeting
The CALP Technical Advisory Group meets quarterly and online.
The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. The TAG:
- Proposes, leads and supports thematic areas of work across the network, supported by working groups.
- Reviews and/or endorses key technical and policy outputs from network members, ensuring complementarities with related member initiatives.
- Identifies key issues where collective action and advocacy across the network is needed, and supports this.
- Act as champions for the CALP Network, helping to connect members, disseminate work and create opportunities for engagement.
The TAG operates both as a standalone group and through a number of Working Groups, which are open to TAG Reps and to non-TAG CALP members.
The TAG is comprised of between 25 and 30 individual Representatives (Reps) selected from a diverse array of CALP member organisations.