المساعدات النقدية والقسائم وكوفيد-19: موارد، إرشادات، أحداث وأسئلة
نأمل أن تكونوا جميعًا على ما يرام في هذه المربكة. مع استمرار انتشار فيروس كورونا المستجد في جميع أنحاء العالم، يبدو أن كل مجتمع سيتأثر بطريقة ما – سواء بشكل مباشر بالفيروس أو بالتأثيرات الاقتصادية وغيرها من التأثيرات التي يعاني منها.
كان هناك قدر كبير من النقاش عبر شبكة شراكة التعلم النقدي حول ما يعنيه الوباء لاستخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم والعمليات التشغيلية لأعضاء الشراكة النقدية التعلم.
الإرشادات والموارد
- إرشادات شراكة تعلم النقدي للمساعدات النقدية والقسائم في سياق كوفيد-19(متوفرة باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية)، والتي تلخص النقاط الرئيسية من الإرشادات عبر مختلف الجهات الفاعلة في الشبكة ويتم تحديثها بانتظام.
- تجدون مجموعة من الموارد (القائمة الكاملة للتشاور)، الدروس المستفادة والأسئلة هنا. وشكرًا لكم على الإستمرار في المشاركة!
- تجدون عدة موارد وروابط مفيدة أخرى أدناه.
فعاليات قادمة
مصدرالصورة الرئيسية: جامعة كولومبيا في مدينة نيويورك
محتوى مميز
المساعدات النقديّة والقسائم في سياق فيروس كورونا المستجدّ : إرشادات من شبكة شراكة التعلّم النقدي
إرشادات وأدوات
هذا ملخص للنقاط الرئيسية من العديد من الموارد التي شاركتها على المساعدة النقدية والقسائم و كوفيد-19 من خلال هذا المستند. هذه وثيقة حية وسنواصل تحديث هذا الملخص عند إضافة موارد جديدة. يهدف ما يلي إلى مساعدة المنظمات على...
كوفيد-19 والتحويلات النقدية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا: ما هو الممكن؟
Blog Post
تقع بعض أكثر الأزمات الإنسانية تعقيدًا وطولًا في العالم في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. كانت هذه الأزمات تعاني أصلاً من نقص التمويل وتفاقم نقاط الضعف. الآن، مثل بقية العالم، يواجه الناس في منطقة الشرق الأوسط...
Mercy Corps Tipsheet: COVID-19 and CVA
Guidelines and Tools
This tipsheet serves as guidance to help field teams think through different ways to mitigate the spread and impact of Covid-19 through ongoing cash and voucher assistance (CVA), inform the adaption of CVA programming in the context of Covid-19, and promote sensitivity to changing market dynamics and prices.
This tip sheet is general, but we are ready to work with you to tailor advice to your...
A Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conflict Countries
Guidelines and Tools
This Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conflict Countries seeks to develop comprehensive recommendations for USAID and similar donors on how to encourage economic growth in countries emerging from conflict. The Guide is based on the premise that improved economic wellbeing can enhance the prospects for...
Winners and losers among a Refugee Hosting Population: Consumption, economic activities and agglomeration
Every year, thousands of refugees are forced to leave their countries of origin and are hosted by their neighboring countries. However, very few is known about the impact of these refugees on the local economy and its inhabitants. Based on hypothesis formulated during a two-month iterative field...
Case Study: Indonesia – Sumatra 2009
On 30th September 2009 a series of earthquakes struck West Sumatra, not far from the provincial capital of Padang. 13 out of the 19 districts in West Sumatra province were affected. Between earthquakes and landslides nearly 250,000 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged. This case study examines the...
Money Matters: An evaluation of the use of cash grants in UNHCR’s voluntary repatriation and reintegration programme in Burundi
To access another publication available in this series, titled ‘The Use of Cash Grants in UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Operations: Report of a Lessons Learned Workshop’, please click here. There has been growing interest in recent years in the use of cash grants as a humanitarian assistance and...
Strategies for Development in Conflict Affected Countries in the ESCWA Region: The role of the state and private sector
This study on private sector resilience in conflict-affected countries in the ESCWA region is part of a series of publications, which examines mechanisms and policies for development in spite of conflict. The studies include policy recommendations that are aimed at enhancing the capacity of policymakers...
How cash transfers can improve the nutrition of the poorest children: Evaluation of a pilot safety net project in southern Niger
This report presents key findings from an evaluation of Save the Children’s pilot project to give cash transfers to 1,500 of the poorest households in Tessaoua district, Maradi region, Niger. Its findings will be of interest to NGOs, governments and donors involved in planning and...
Cash-Based Solutions in Shelter and Settlements : Humanitarian Response Case Study, West Sumatra, Indonesia
In many emergencies, shelter programs are implemented by the distribution of shelter or construction materials, so that CRS’ (Catholic Relief Service) program participants does not have to deal with procurement or the open market. Under certain circumstances (availability of local market, cultural...
Can Cash Transfers Promote Food Security in the Context of Volatile Commodity Prices? A Review of Empirical Evidence
This working paper synthesizes the theoretical and empirical literature on the use of cash transfers in response to food crisis situations, with particular attention to their use in situations that are exacerbated by volatile, often inflationary, commodity prices. The paper is designed for policymakers...
Real-Time Evaluation Report for the CRS Pakistan Response in the Swat Valley
CRS launched a response in September 2009 to support the return of at least 3,000 persons displaced from Swat Valley. CRS partnered with local organizations LASOONA and EPS to provide cash grants, vouchers for livelihood assets, and cash for work activities to restart livelihood activities for returnees...
From Food Crisis to Fair Trade: Livelihoods analysis, protection and support in emergencies
This document aims to collate and analyse experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and gives examples of the range of interventions that are possible in emergencies. Different types of livelihoods programmes are then described...
Innovations in International Humanitarian Action
This document forms the third chapter of ALNAP’s 8th Review of Humanitarian Action, for more information and access to other chapters, please click here. Critics of humanitarian aid, many from within the sector, complain that humanitarian evaluations and other learning exercises repeatedly highlight...
Cash transfers: Lump Sums
This briefing is one of a series of six produced as an output from a three year ODI research study on cash transfers and their role in social protection. The study explores issues of interest to donors and governments, comparing cash with other forms of transfer, identifying where cash transfers are...
Cash transfers in emergencies: A synthesis of World Vision’s experience and learning
This HPG study report, commissioned by World Vision, looks at the shifting view towards cash programming by the humanitarian community, and focuses on the specific challenges and needs which World Vision would have to address when considering the use of cash in emergencies. A general background of cash...
Beneficiary perceptions of corruption in humanitarian assistance: A Sri Lanka case study
This case study, based on a number of chosen villages in Sri Lanka, examines the views of beneficiaries on corruption in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. It begins by outlining some of the corruption risks that agencies may face during emergency responses, particularly in conflict-affected...
Choice, dignity and empowerment? Cash and food transfers in Swaziland: An evaluation of Save the Children’s emergency drought response
This evaluation report looks at the Save the Children’s cash transfer project, which was a response to the 2007/8 food crisis in Swaziland, with the aim of not only providing humanitarian assistance but also as a way to break the dependency of rural families on food aid. Selected beneficiaries were...
Value Chain Tools for Market Integrated Relief: Haiti’s construction sector – Guided case studies in value chain development for conflict-affected environments
This case study seeks to apply and document the use of the value chain approach to channel infrastructure program design from direct implementation to a market-integrated relief model. The market-integrated relief approach addresses the needs of crisis-affected populations by working through local...
Case Study of the Poultry and Grape/Raisin subsectors in Afghanistan: Guided case study in value chain development for conflict-affected environments
Is the value chain approach effective for restoring market-based economic activity in a severely affected post-conflict environment?. The goal of this study is to gather empirical evidence to answer this question, looking at the role of the value chain approach in the work of USAID’s Rebuilding...
A Synthesis of Practical Lessons from Value Chain Projects in Conflict Affected Environments
Over the last year, at the behest of USAID, 10 organizations captured results and lessons learned from projects that used value chain programming in conflict-affected environments. The goal of this paper is to extract larger lessons that emerge from these implementing organizations and the programs they...
Market Assessment and Analysis: Learner’s notes
Guidelines and Tools
This document presents the “Learner’s Notes” that accompany a distance learning course on Market Assessment and Analysis. The course illustrates how markets operate and how they relate to and affect food security and vulnerable households. It describes market components and how they function...
Market Development in Crisis Affected Environments: Emerging lessons for achieving pro-poor economic reconstruction
This paper documents practitioner experience and innovations in market development for income generation and livelihood security in crisis and post-crisis settings. War and natural disaster have devastating impacts on people’s ability to generate income and secure a sustainable livelihood that can...