أدوات تقييم السوق – وجهاً لوجه (MATT)
Market Valuation Tools Training: Session Overview
This training comprises 13 sessions lasting 3.5 days if delivered independently (without fieldwork):§ Session 1: Introduction and justification for market analysis § Session 2: Market Analysis Framework § Session 3: Accurate Market Selection and Basic Analytical Questions § Session 4: Return to Market Map § Session 5: Market Mapping § Session 6: What we measure in market valuations § Session 7: Understanding Market Performance § Session 8: Market Data Analysis § Session 9 & 10: Market Instruments Overview and Guidelines § Session 11 and 10: Response options and recommendations § Session 13: Observation If field school is carried out, one and a half days are added to the duration of the training. See the facilitator’s guidance for various options for implementing this exercise.
Integrating fieldworkThe course is designed to allow the integration of fieldwork on the fourth day of the training package. Where possible, fieldwork should be integrated as it gives participants the opportunity to “learn by doing” and this can be very useful for participants to learn and trust in using market analysis tools. Please see the Facilitator’s guidance document for more information related to fieldwork. |