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شرق وجنوب أفريقيا

تدعم شبكة CALP التنسيق وتوفر التدريب والدعم الفني للأعضاء والمنظمات الأخرى التي تنفذ أو تفكر في المساعدة النقدية والقسائم في شرق وجنوب إفريقيا. يوجد المكتب الإقليمي لشبكة CALP في المجلس النرويجي للاجئين في نيروبي ، كينيا.

All news and events

نتائج 381 من 400 – 405

Money Matters: An evaluation of the use of cash grants in UNHCR’s voluntary repatriation and reintegration programme in Burundi


To access another publication available in this series, titled ‘The Use of Cash Grants in UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Operations: Report of a Lessons Learned Workshop’, please click here.  There has been growing interest in recent years in the use of cash grants as a humanitarian assistance and...


From Food Crisis to Fair Trade: Livelihoods analysis, protection and support in emergencies


This document aims to collate and analyse experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and gives examples of the range of interventions that are possible in emergencies. Different types of livelihoods programmes are then described...


Can Cash Transfers Promote Food Security in the Context of Volatile Commodity Prices? A Review of Empirical Evidence


This working paper synthesizes the theoretical and empirical literature on the use of cash transfers in response to food crisis situations, with particular attention to their use in situations that are exacerbated by volatile, often inflationary, commodity prices. The paper is designed for policymakers...


Evaluation of Concern Kenya’s Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP)


The Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP) was Concern and its local partner the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret’s short-term and targeted response to the food security problems that affected communities in four Sub-locations in Baringo North and Pokot East Districts as a result of the post election...


Direct Cash Transfer to Post Election Violence affected Host Population: Nakuru, South Rift Valley, Kenya. Internal Evaluation


Post-election violence in Kenya started in late December 2007 and led to a large-scale destruction of property, disruption of transportation and labour markets, and displacement of an estimated 250.000 to 300.000 people throughout the country. Homes and shops were burnt or looted; farms were affected as...


Cash Transfers, Gender and Generational Relations: Evidence from a Pilot Project in Lesotho


Food aid has been the main response to repeated and protracted humanitarian crises in Lesotho since 2002, and during that time it has also been the major part of World Vision’s emergency responses. Along with the government, donors and NGOs, World Vision is increasingly interested in the role that cash...


Cash Transfers in Lesotho: An evaluation of World Vision’s Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project


The Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project (CFTPP) was designed and implemented as World Vision‟s contribution to the humanitarian response to the 2007/08 food crisis in Lesotho. This crisis was triggered by Lesotho‟s worst drought in 30 years, which reduced maize yields by 42% and left an estimated...


Evaluation of The Cash Component of the Oxfam Zambia Flood Response 2007


Oxfam Zambia responded to the flooding in Western Province by providing unconditional cash grants to 2100 households over a four month period (May – August 2007) in two wards of Mongu District Ushaa and Lumbo. The grant was designed to prevent malnutrition and harmful levels of asset depletion and...

October 2007