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نتائج 201 من 220 – 381
Protection Outcomes in Cash-based Interventions: A literature review
This literature review examines existing research to determine whether the use of cash and vouchers is contributing to the promotion of protection and gender outcomes for beneficiary communities, following the WFP and UNHCR 2013 study on gender, protection and cash. This literature review focuses on these...
The Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on Community Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Social cash transfer programmes are on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa, building on the momentum generated by the African Union’s 2008 Social Policy Framework Plan of Action. This plan motivated member countries to develop their own social policy frameworks and to give greater priority to social...
Value for Money of Cash Transfers in Emergencies
The objective of this study is to analyse evidence on the Value for Money (VfM) of cash transfers. The study reviews evidence on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of cash, vouchers and in-kind transfers, in order to support a more structured analysis of the VfM of different transfers. It is based...
Kenya Drought Response Evaluation Report – Focus on Marsabit and Baringo Counties
Case Study
An evaluation of a drought response which involved school feeding, cash transfers and nutrition outreach activities.
Final Report for Assessment of the Impact of Cash For Work Beneficiaries training for Phases IIB and IV
Phases IIB and IV of the Cash For Work (CFW) project were implemented by FAO Somalia over the period 2013-2015 and aimed at enhancing access to food by the food insecure households in the short-term, while supporting restoration of food production through the rehabilitation/construction of productive...
Cash Transfer Programming in the ASALs of Kenya
Case Study
The CALP Network commissioned a study to document the impact and lessons learned from its engagement with state actors in the ASAL counties. The study involved collection of data through secondary and primary sources. Given the focus of the project, a qualitative approach was deemed as most...
Expect the Unexpected: A Case Study of Impacts of Urban Food Vouchers in Somalia
Case Study
Beginning in early 2013, CRS implemented a series of food voucher programs, designed to meet the urgent food needs of vulnerable IDP and host households in urban communities. The vouchers were unconditional, but restricted to food purchases. The programs began in Kismayu in January 2013 (to December...
The Impact of Cash Transfers on Local Economies
Policy paper
In this special edition of Policy in Focus, leading authors and practitioners present their research on how cash transfers can impact the local economy when implemented in a developing country. The aim is to gather and review research results and evidence, obtained from various methodologies ranging from...
Mozambique, Country Programme 200286: An evaluation of WFP’s operation (2012-2015) – Management Response
The final evaluation covers WFP’s country programme (CP) 200286 (2012-2015). It was intended for both accountability and learning purposes and focuses on assessing: the appropriateness and coherence of the operation its results the factors explaining the results. The evaluation assessed the...
Are Public Works Programmes Effective in Reinforcing Social Protection Systems? Evidence from Northern Namibia
This paper analyses the effectiveness of public works programmes (PWPs) in creating employment, reducing poverty and reinforcing the existing social protection system in Namibia. Using data and information from a survey conducted in northern Namibia, it is established that while public works programmes...
The Impacts of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme on Community Dynamics
This short paper evaluates the impacts of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer (SCT) programme on the household economy, the local economy and the social networks. The SCT programme was launched in Mchinji district in 2006. The programme provides regular cash payments to ultra-poor and labour-constrained...
Cash, Care, Prevention and Adherence for Adolescents: Latest evidence from southern Africa
This presentation looks at cash, care, prevention and adherence for adolescents using the National Longitudinal study of Adolescents in Southern Africa.
Markets in Crises: South Sudan case study
Not long after achieving independence, South Sudan descended into conflict, which has fuelled displacement and food insecurity.Although markets continue to function in the country, humanitarians have paid relatively little attention to market-based responses to the crisis. Looking primarily at Juba, this...
Using Social Protection Systems to Implement Emergency Cash Transfers: The case of Lesotho
Case Study
Lesotho has experienced significant economic growth in the past two decades, but deep poverty and chronic malnutrition are persistent problems. Given the scale of the emergency and the urgent need for a response, in August 2012 the government declared an emergency food crisis, and in September it...
A Guide to Calculating the Cost of Delivering Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Emergencies – With reference to case studies in Kenya and Somalia
Case Study
The emergence of cash transfers as a viable alternative to in-kind aid – such as food or shelter materials – for households affected by humanitarian disasters has been documented for some years now. Under certain conditions, when local markets are able to accommodate increased demand and prices will...
Annex B: Lebanon Case Study
Cash and vouchers are increasingly provided as assistance to people affected by disaster and crisis. Studies and evaluations have firmly established that cash transfers can be an appropriate alternative or complement to in-kind assistance. Whilst some evidence exists on the Value for Money (VfM) of...
Household Response to Income Changes: Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Kenya
Case Study
This paper studies the response of poor rural households in rural Kenya to large temporary income changes. Using a randomized controlled trial, households were randomly assigned to receive unconditional cash transfers of at least USD 404 from the NGO GiveDirectly. We designed the experiment to address...
Scaling Up Existing Social Safety Nets to Provide Humanitarian Response: A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme
Policy paper
A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme. This thematic report has been undertaken as part of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and...
Designing Social Protection Frameworks for Somalia: Findings and Ways Forward in SCS
This presentation was made on behalf of Development Pathways at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at designing social protection frameworks for Somalia and covers: 1.Activities and Methods 2.Macro...
The Impact of the Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme (HSCT) in Zimbabwe on the Local Economy
Local economy-wide impact evaluation (LEWIE) simulation methods are used to assess the likely impacts of cash transfers on the local economy. When the Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme gives money to beneficiary households, they spend it, buying goods and services. As this cash swirls around...