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شرق وجنوب أفريقيا

تدعم شبكة CALP التنسيق وتوفر التدريب والدعم الفني للأعضاء والمنظمات الأخرى التي تنفذ أو تفكر في المساعدة النقدية والقسائم في شرق وجنوب إفريقيا. يوجد المكتب الإقليمي لشبكة CALP في المجلس النرويجي للاجئين في نيروبي ، كينيا.

All news and events

نتائج 181 من 200 – 405

Gedeo and West Guji Multi-Sector Cash Based Response Guidance Note

Guidelines and Tools

With about 850, 000 people displaced in Gedeo zone (SNNP region) and another 200,000 in West Guji zone (Oromia region), at its height, the Gedeo-West Guji conflict was an unforeseen crisis that in its onset, overwhelmed local authorities and humanitarian partners. Despite the Government-led return...

August 2018

East and West Haraghe Multi-Sector Cash Based Response Guidance Note

Guidelines and Tools

Multi-sector cash assistance for IDPs in East and West Haraghe zones of Oromia region has been proposed as unrestricted cash transfers to conflict IDP recipients to meet their basic needs with flexibility and choice. Where the use of cash is feasible, unrestricted cash transfers can be implemented in...

May 2018

Ethiopia Acceptance And Security And Safety Overview


This overview was created by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with input by the Ethiopia Cash Working Group (ECWG) and as such is part of the overall effort to create an evidence base of the feasibility and appropriateness to use and scale-up cash transfer programming (CTP)...

April 2018

The CALP Network East Africa Members Consultative Discussion


27 فبراير 2018 / Nairobi, Kenya / English

The Hunger Safety Nets Programme, Kenya – A Social Protection Case Study


The Hunger Safety Nets Programme (HSNP) began in 2008 in the four poorest districts of northern Kenya (Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera and Wajir). The programme was designed to give long term support
through regular cash transfers, to those households most vulnerable to food insecurity. The safety net...


Somalia Donor Working Group (DWG) – Safety Net Terms of Reference (ToR)

Guidelines and Tools

Large scale cash and voucher transfers have formed the basis of the humanitarian response to the 2016-18 drought (and threat of famine) in Somalia and successfully so. While sporadic small scale cash transfer projects in the past lacked coordination and coherence, this time a great deal of effort has been...


Multi-purpose Cash and Protection for South Sudanese Refugees in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: A Learning Event Report


This paper will present evidence on how cash transfers empowers conflict affected populations. The evidence is based on two projects implemented by DCA in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. Furthermore, the paper present evidence on how the two projects successfully linked cash and protection. 14, 520...


Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System


This report, commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level. Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social...


Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya


Kenya’s Social Protection Secretariat has highlighted new evidence showing the need for a universal child grant for Kenyan children. The evidence in Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya highlights that targeting social protection at orphans, 7.5% of Kenya’s children, with a Cash Transfer...


Assessing the effects of a combined economic and social intervention in Uganda on child protection and economic outcomes


Presentation showing preliminary findings from USAID-funded Aspires Family Care Project, implemented by FHI360, ChildFund International and AVSI. Economic strengthening activities including cash transfers, VSLAs, matched savings accounts and others were shown to reduce families’ economic vulnerability...


A Meeting of Cash Working Group Leads: Learning, ideas and recommendations from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Southern Africa Regional Group


Cash Working Group (CWG) leads representing 10 CWGs from East and Southern Africa (nine country-based and one regional) met in Nairobi on 3-4 October 2018 to discuss lessons learned, share challenges and propose solutions. This report includes thoughts and recommendations related to managing CWGs; ideas...


Sudan Cash Working Group meeting minutes 12 December 2017


Sudan Cash Working Group meeting minutes 12 December 2017

12 ديسمبر 2017

Ethiopia Payment Mecanism Assessment Report

Guidelines and Tools

Humanitarian organizations today are facing unprecedented challenges in addressing crises in the Middle East, Africa and across the world. The crises are both urgent and, in many cases, protracted in nature; the varying scenarios have driven the need to better understand how to select the modality of...

December 2017

Terms of Reference – The Ethiopia Cash Working Group – November2017


The Ethiopia Cash Working Group (ECWG) is a forum of stakeholders dedicated to improving the use and delivery of cash and voucher transfer programming in Ethiopia The overall objective of the group is to strengthen the coherence and quality of cash based interventions (CBIs) in Ethiopia through...

November 2017

Payment Services in Nigeria: A humanitarian perspective

Guidelines and Tools

This assessment was conducted as one component of a broader inter-agency exercise to inform the use of Multi-Purpose Grants in Nigeria. As such, it examines the financial services landscape in Nigeria, in order to support the review and selection of financial service providers (FSPs) for the delivery of...

July 2017

Responding to Drought in Kenya Using Cash and Vouchers: Six Key Questions from Previous Experience

Guidelines and Tools

the CALP Network reviewed previous reports on the use of cash/vouchers in drought responses in Kenya and identified 100 lessons, recommendations and observations which deserve consideration by those involved in cash programming today. We have brought these down to six key questions which all donors and...

April 2017