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المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

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  1. الرئيسية

المدونات والتسجيلات

أحدث وجهات النظر والتحليلات من الخبراء في المساعدات النقدية وقسائم والمواضيع ذات الصلة.

جميع المدونات

نتائج 21 من 40 – 145

هذه ليست مناورة: النقد والتنقل البشري

Blog Post

في هذه المدونة، تقدم باولا جيل بايزان ثلاث مناظير جديدة يمكننا من خلالها مشاهدة التنقل البشري. توضح كيف تتقاطع هذه المناظير مع المساعدات النقدية والقسائم مع التركيز...

3 أكتوبر 2022


التزامات السياسة النقدية والتغلب على العقبات

Blog Post

يستعرض عاموس دورنبوس ما تعنيه الصفقة الكبرى للمساعدات النقدية والقسائم وما هي التغييرات التي لابد منها. هذه المدونة هي نسخة أكثر تفصيلاً من مقال نُشر في الأصل على“This...

24 يوليو 2022

هل الخدمات النقدية المتنقلة مفضلة من قبل متلقين الاستحقاقات النقدية في سياق الاستجابة للاجئين؟

Blog Post

الرسالة واضحة من قبل متلقين الاستحقاقات النقدية في أوغندا - لديهم تفضيل قوي لتلقي النقود من خلال الخدمات النقدية المتنقلة. هذه هي النتائج التي توصلت إليها دراسة أجرتها...

6 يوليو 2022

People with disabilities withdrawing cash

يواجه الأشخاص ذوو الإعاقة تكاليف أعلى بنسبة 10-40٪ – هل تأخذ المساعدة النقدية والقسائم هذا بعين الاعتبار؟

Blog Post

تخبرنا البحوثات أن الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة يواجهون في المتوسط تكاليف أعلى من الأشخاص غير المعاقين للوصول إلى نفس مستويات المعيشة. يسأل الدكتور مانويل روث في هذه المدونة...

11 مايو 2022

Community members in Philippines laughing during a social mapping exercise.

#GenderCash: Are we making enough progress?

Blog Post

It’s International Women’s Day 2022! This time four years ago many in the cash and gender communities committed to a six-point plan to improve #GenderCash. But what happened next and what still needs to happen? Karen Peachey CALP’s Director takes a quick look at where we are and also challenges you...

8 مارس 2022

Ready to use cash in preparation for crisis?

Blog Post

Experiences from Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic show that we are.

25 فبراير 2022

Cash and Voucher Assistance in 2021: 6 reflections on progress and pitfalls

Blog Post

CALP’s director Karen Peachey reflects on the state of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in 2021. Where has there been progress and where is there still a way to go?

15 ديسمبر 2021

No fingerprint ID - no coffee!

Collecting and using data – coffee shop lessons!

Blog Post

No finger print ID – no coffee! How much data would you volunteer in exchange for a cuppa? And what if the stakes were higher, and your ID was needed in exchange for some much needed humanitarian assistance? After jumping through hoops to get her daily brew, the CALP Network’s director shares a few...

17 نوفمبر 2021

Cash recipient from Merc Corps PRIME programme engaged in farming

Pathways from CVA to long term financial inclusion: A framework for success

Blog Post

CVA programs can provide a springboard to financial inclusion. But spotting the right opportunity, and good programme design, are key. GSMA and Mercy Corps share a simple tool to understand which contexts offer the best pathways from CVA to financial inclusion.

11 نوفمبر 2021

Turning the page on traditional learning: Why the CALP Network’s new online course is so exciting

Blog Post

The CALP Network is entering a new era of inclusive online learning, and there are lots of reasons to get excited about it.

7 أكتوبر 2021

A camp in Taiz governorate, Yemen

Mapping Financial Service Providers for CVA: Read this before you start!

Blog Post

Sharing the secrets to a successful FSP mapping exercise in Yemen.

29 سبتمبر 2021

Moving the dial on participation via CVA

Blog Post

In search of ideas to improve participation? Here are four positive approaches drawn from a variety of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programmes.

23 سبتمبر 2021

أن تكون بين صفوف المستفيدين: لماذا تفتقر القسائم لحفظ الكرامة والقيمة؟

Blog Post

إينوسنت تشيلومبو، الذي قضى 10 سنوات في مخيم كاكوما للاجئين في كينيا، يصف الآثار الخطيرة لربط مساعدات النقد والقسائم بشروط معينة على فعاليتها.

22 سبتمبر 2021

WFP Cash Based Transfers programme in Haiti

Getting CVA right in the Humanitarian Response Plan: Blind Spots and Considerations

Blog Post

How can you ensure that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is adequately and coherently integrated into humanitarian response plans (HRP)? Recent changes to the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) certainly provide more opportunities to do this. Read on for some great ideas and practical steps for covering...

16 سبتمبر 2021

Refugee checking money received during a cash distribution

Screening recipients of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance: necessary precaution or wasted resources?

Blog Post

Is screening the recipients of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance an effective way to mitigate against the perceived diversion risk that cash represents? If yes, how? If not, why are conversations growing on the topic? In a recent report for Oxfam and Bond, Nina Newhouse & colleagues from the London...

14 يوليو 2021

People In Night Market

Market-based programming: Challenges and Recommendations from across CALP’s network

Blog Post

When it comes to market-based programming what's the best approach? CALP's members have some great ideas including widening the scope of market monitoring, and making longer term market forecasts.

23 يونيو 2021

Cash and vouchers can improve health outcomes – but you must understand the challenges first

Blog Post

In this blog, we focus on the challenges related to achieving health-related outcomes through Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in humanitarian response.  Using CVA to advance health outcomes is different from using CVA in other contexts and challenges practitioners to work in new...

27 مايو 2021


A short history of cash and voucher assistance – 6 key lessons and observations

Blog Post

How has cash and voucher assistance evolved? Why has the use of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) increased so rapidly in recent years? How has it emerged from the fringes to become an established part of all major humanitarian responses? Four people who have travelled the CVA path reflect on...

29 أبريل 2021

CaLP Team 2019.

Seven years of Cash and Voucher Assistance: Parting words of wisdom from two amazing CALPies

Blog Post

Cash and Voucher Assistance has changed dramatically over the past seven years. Nathalie Klein, the CALP Network’s Regional Representative for West Africa, and Sophie Tholstrup, the CALP Network’s Policy Coordinator have recently left the organisation after seven and three years respectively. But...

15 أبريل 2021

City of Amman, Jordan

Cash in a COVID-19 crisis: Adapting approaches to assisting Jordan-based refugees

Blog Post

How did cash actors delivering assistance to refugees in Jordan adapt to the COVID-19 crisis? What were the main challenges and did cash actors overcome these? Here to tell us more is André Dürr, an independent consultant specialising in cash transfers who recently carried out a study for the CALP Network.

5 أبريل 2021

المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

استكشفوا المساعدات النقدية 101